उच्चत्तम शिक्षा उज्जवल भविष्य || ANKURAN FIRST STEP TOWARDS BRIGHT FUTURE


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  • My child does not want to socialize with anyone who comes home?

    Children definitely don't like to be tested. Instead we should let the child observe that we are comfortable with the stranger, she is someone whom the child can trust, have fun with etc. Slowly the child will get comfortable and become social.

  • Why there is no writing activity in PG?

    Playing with peg boards, scribbling with thick crayons, solving puzzles with knobs, paper tearing, crumpling, twisting, lacing beads, sorting etc.

  • What is adult - child ratio in Ankuran classrooms?

    the maximum number of children in a classroom is limited to 20. To ensure optimum classroom learning, an adult-child ratio of 1:10 is maintained.

  • How is discipline encouraged in Ankuran?

    Ankuran follows a child-friendly behaviour management routine which includes RPI – Rules, Praise and Ignore. Child-centric measures are adopted and the teachers and other adults are trained to be proactive and find solutions along with the children. No corporal punishment is allowed.

  • What are the languages taught in Ankuran?

    At Sr. Kg. Level, apart from English, the vernacular language or Hindi is introduced to make the children feel more comfortable and be prepared for a formal school.
